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Technological and scientific development and talent growth must go hand in hand

Expert feature

In an era of rapid innovation and AI entering more and more boldly into various spheres of life, it is impossible to overestimate the ability to adapt quickly to current and upcoming changes. However, technological advancement alone is not enough. That’s why at GSK we put an equal sign between the development of science, technology and talent.

As a result of GSK’s global transformations over the past few years, Poland has become a strategic innovation centre. Our country is the location of the GSK Poland Global Hub, headquartered in Poznań and Warsaw, which includes a research and development centre, a technology centre, a finance centre, as well as hubs managing supply chain, HR and purchasing processes at the global level. These teams provide highly specialized services to GSK divisions around the world, collectively forming the largest of its kind unit within the company’s structures worldwide. The Hub currently employs more than 2,000 qualified specialists in various fields, most of them in the IT and R&D teams.

At the heart of GSK’s operations is the company’s R&D. As a biopharmaceutical company, we are fully focused on developing innovative therapies using knowledge from the fields of human genetics, science of the immune system and advanced technologies, such as functional genomics, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Our ambition is to join the ranks of global innovation leaders.

GSK invests in research into novel vaccines and specialty medicines across its four core therapeutic areas of infectious diseases, HIV, oncology, and immunology/respiratory. We follow the latest technological trends and also build partnerships that have great development potential. However, we are aware that employees are at the heart of all these activities, so we care about the development of their competencies as much as we care about technological advances.

This is fostered by GSK’s organizational culture, which is based on giving each person the space and support to learn, grow and succeed. Advanced business processes and the localization of six global business functions in one centre favour employee development and open up a wide range of career-building opportunities, including international ones. At the same time, we are introducing innovative solutions and benefits to support work-life balance. We also give a great importance to the issues of diversity, equality and inclusiveness.

Our overall goal is that GSK’s products will positively impact the health and lives of nearly 2.5 billion people around the world over the next 10 years. Therefore, we have a great responsibility. However, knowing that our daily work has an impact on so many people drives us to action.

08.2023, Nr CL SUPP-2302556

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