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Neodynamik – Polish manufacturer tent halls

Expert feature

Neodynamik a leading manufacturer of tent halls with 30 years of experience.

It provides its services all over the world, offering the highest quality and safety. With 30 years of experience and excellent technical facilities, we are able to cope with the most logistically complex tasks.

To date, we have produced halls on aluminum structures on cassette profiles, steel structures on I-beam profiles. Since last years, we started a new type of production of hall systems, we combined these two methods and produce halls with steel structures, but in a cassette. This solution allowed us to improve the product greatly, we were able to reduce the weight of the structure and at the same time achieve better performance in terms of snow and wind loads. Neodynamik offers many types of halls, which are widely used in economic sectors. We offer, for instance, halls used for warehousing, trade fairs, industrial, manufacturing, entertainment and many other purposes. Most importantly, the halls of our production meet all safety standards that must be adhered to when designing and erecting such a structure.
Neodynamik is not only a recognized contractor of storage halls, but also a company specializing in professional installation of the offered tents. Installation of halls is always carried out professionally and within the timeframe agreed with the buyer. If the tent hall is permanently installed, a special reinforced concrete system is used to further strengthen the structure.

Competitive prices, punctuality, relatively short lead times, as well as the high quality of the offered constructions, have made us at the forefront of EU countries. We believe that quick installation, experience and professional execution of halls guarantee safety, good quality and success of the company.

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