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Economic Missions of the Chamber of Digital Economy

IX Europejski Kongres Samorządów Najnowsze informacje Wypowiedź ekspercka

Over the past 10 years Poland has grown into a major digital economy in Central and Eastern Europe:

– 9 out of 10 Internet users in Poland shop online- the value of e-commerce will grow in Poland from 100 billion PLN at the beginning of the decade to 187 billion PLN in 2027 according to PWC – 54% of e-commerce growth will come from the sectors of fashion electronics and health and beauty The value of e-grocery is expected to reach 18 billion PLN by 2026 The continuity of national e-commerce development provides a base to operate more widely as strong local brands have the best chance of international success.However compared to other EU countries we still have a very low percentage of cross-border e-commerce companies. The results for only Romania, Bulgariaband Latvia are the same or lower. e-Chamber is the largest advocate of e-commerce interests in Poland. It also supports businesses in the area of cross-border commercial activity in a variety of ways: – in collaboration with the Ministry of Development it runs the trade.gov.pl website dedicated to online exports; – is the only industry organisation to continue a programme aimed at educating businesses in this area in collaboration with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency – publishes periodic “Cross-Border E-commerce” reports that provide insight into online export conditions.Since the beginning of this year it has also been carrying out pioneering economic missions. Participation in them will establish business relationships in the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Germany. The missions have received support from the Polish embassies in the countries concerned and from the Polish Investment and Trade Agency. These sources guarantee access to valuable market information – with respect to local demand and foreign consumer preferences – and that’s already half the battle. Local mission partners will also provide assistance: Consorzio Netcomm, APEK, Bundesverband E-Commerce und Versandhandel and Adigital  – organisations that are the equivalent of the e-Chamber abroad. Together with other European chambers of commerce, they make up Ecommerce Europe an institution attached to the EC.The potential of Polish e-commerce companies is enormous. Properly targeted it can accelerate business development as well as the recognition of Polish brands abroad. It would be a great waste to fail to tap into it through lack of sufficient ambition as the opportunities are within easy reach. Patrycja Sass-Staniszewska – President of the e-Chamber

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