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Digital transformation of local governments? It can be done!

IX Europejski Kongres Samorządów Najnowsze informacje Wypowiedź ekspercka

Polish administration has gone a long way over the past few years. Yet, we are still at the halfway point of the digitization process.

The ePUAP platform (Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services), online banking and minor systems implemented in the energy, telecommunication and finance sectors are already here and well known. The e-Tax Office, greatly facilitating the annual tax return procedure for every taxpayer is also widely recognized and appreciated. However, these are just some of many functionalities of digital administration available to us every day.In just a couple of years we have gone from completely analogue public offices, requiring us to wander through corridors and to wait in lines all the way to advanced online portals connecting citizens to public institutions. Yet, there is still much more to be done.Currently, one of the most significant tasks at hand is the next stage of implementing the e-delivery system. Replacing registered letters with a digital equivalent may bring as much as PLN 2.3 billion in savings annually across the country. It is worth noting that registered electronic delivery is not a substitute for e-mail, but constitutes a separate, secure medium of communication, both for administrative and business processes.Moreover, as far as  public administration is considered, we should implement modern cloud systems as soon as possible. The enormous amount of data stored today generates costs and some day-to-day difficulties, including in the field of cybersecurity. Meanwhile, many countries and companies have already tested and proven the benefits of cloud solutions in handling large volumes of data. Cloud computing is already used by many countries around the world, including true digitalization leaders (such as the USA, Singapore, Great Britain and Canada). Cloud is also widely used in the global banking and insurance market.Potential of cloud computing is highlighted by convenience and savings of course, but also due to digital security reasons. Modern solutions guarantee a much higher level of security than the obsolete ones, still often in use. However to drive change in the field, cooperation between the state, local governments and business is needed.Do local governments have the right tools and resources to transform the traditional services into cyber secure „e-services”? Of course they do. While the large national, county-wide systems are a responsibility of the central government, much smaller investments can be carried out by local administration. We should use these opportunities as much as possible. Author: Michał Kanownik, president of Digital Poland Association

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