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Budimex Mobility S.A. – We want to increase our portfolio of investments

IX Europejski Kongres Samorządów Najnowsze informacje Wypowiedź ekspercka

Today, we have just over 3,000 charging stations for electric cars in Poland. About one third are DC stations of varying power, and this is still a small number considering the needs of drivers.

Today, we have slightly more than 3 000 charging stations for electric cars in Poland. About one third are DC stations of varying power (mainly in the range of 50 – 150 kW), allowing rapid charging of the car during short stopovers, and two thirds of this number are AC stations of power up to 22 kW, where we can charge the car more cheaply, although for a slightly longer time – which is not important during, for example, a stay at the office, a stopover near the house, or during a visit to public places for many hours. These are still small numbers considering the needs of drivers. At present, we have charging stations available in the country mainly in large centres and along some transit routes, but there are still white spots on the map where – if we want to take a trip in an electric car – we will not be able to use chargers (from 22 to 50 kW), not to mention higher capacities with a stop for charging not exceeding 20 minutes. According to the PSPA, the number of electric cars doubled in 2023, while the number of chargers only increased by 25%. There is a lot of work to be done and we are trying to do our part in growing the business. Budimex Mobility S.A., as one of the leaders in electromobility, actively seeks to expand its portfolio to meet the needs of drivers. Today, there are 160 public charging stations in the company’s network, and by the end of the current year we want to successively hand over more locations to reach 230 chargers. Further facilities will be added in each subsequent year, with a target of 460 stations by the end of 2026. To this end, we are involved in nationwide projects, both in small and larger municipalities. Education is key to the development of electromobility – both points along transport routes and in local authorities. Dialogue in the context of safety and the benefits of green transport development is very important. As the Budimex S.A. Group. we carry out investments all over Poland and we recognise the challenges faced by the inhabitants of smaller towns and cities. We cooperate with local governments and we know how important it is for them to improve the quality of life of their community members. At Budimex Mobility S.A., we actively support these ambitions by focusing our activities primarily on the development of public, all-access charging points.

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