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We help Entrepreneurs! We finance the development of the region.

31st Economic Forum Expert features

The Upper Silesian Fund is a unit supporting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, providing them with appropriately low-interest funds for investments and development. The company, as an entity participating in the regional development policy of the Silesian Voivodeship, creates opportunities to use national and European funds by providing financing offers tailored to recipients from the public, private and civil sectors.

The Upper Silesian Fund is a unit supporting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, providing them with appropriately low-interest funds for investments and development. Acceleration of enterprises increases from the SME sector is crucial for the economic progress of the Silesian Voivodeship. Its main tasks include the preparation of a special financed offer tailored to recipients from the public, private and civic sectors. The Upper Silesian Fund , as an entity participating in the regional development policy of the Silesian Voivodeship, creates opportunities to use national and European funds. For the Upper Silesian Fund SA, the innovative development processes of the region

The Upper Silesian Fund, being a business support institution, in its rich offer addressed to entrepreneurs has a wide range of financial instruments, which mainly include investment and revolving loans, subsidies for business training and advisory services for SMEs and all kinds of guarantees for loans, loans, leases and bid bonds. It has the offer of the Enterprise Europe Network and puts a strong emphasis on building foreign business relations in the process of internationalization. Cooperating with the Marshal’s Office, he implements the projects “Global Silesia” and “InterSilesia”.

  1. The project “Global Silesia”,  that is, “Economic promotion of the region and activities related to the creation of favorable conditions for investments and exports”. Its task is to act effectively to increase the investment attractiveness of the region, inclining SMEs in the field of internationalization.
  2. The “InterSilesia”  project is focused on building the necessary knowledge of entrepreneurs in the development and implementation of export activities.

The Upper Silesian Fund in numbers:

– 2,799 loans for 2,345 enterprises for over PLN 696.7 million by the end of 2021.
– PLN 135 million – the amount of subsidies granted under projects for SMEs

– 30,000 people – the number of people who benefited from training and other forms of education.

– 8,000 – we have helped so many companies achieve their goals

The pandemic, the time after its end, as well as the current situation in Ukraine increased the interest of SMEs in the offer of the Upper Silesian Fund SA, significantly strengthening the position in the financial industry of the Silesian Voivodeship, which is characterized by the fastest growth dynamics compared to other Polish regions. The attractive offer allows for the continuous development of the company, which engages in more and more assistance for entrepreneurs operating in this difficult time.

“Our goal is to strengthen the dialogue between local entrepreneurs with representatives of government and self-government administration and representatives of the world of science, in order to remove barriers to development in Silesia.” – Vice-president Łukasz Oprawski.

The Upper Silesian Fund, different from banks, gives the opportunity to receive funds on preferential terms. The company’s priority is to offer developing products for entrepreneurs.

“After the pandemic, when we start to return to normal reality, we have the” InterSilesia “and” Global Silesia “projects, with which we want to reach Silesian entrepreneurs as widely as possible, because they give the opportunity to leave this post-covid zone, opening a window to the world. We have introduced extensive activities related to helping entrepreneurs in covid. ” – Vice-president Jacek Miketa.

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