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Ukraine needs military support now


Author: Sergei Sumlenny, Eastern Europe expert, former Head of office of Heinrich Boell Foundation Kyiv Office

Early today I have received a message from my good friend who lives in Kyiv. She wrote me: “I am fine. I hear explosions, but everything is calm. People say, it is our air defense working. On God we rely.”

This mixture of calmness, fear and anger is what Ukrainians feel now – 8 years after the war outbreak Russia openly attacks all the country’s major cities. As a German citizen, who worked 6 years in Kyiv, I have another mixture of feelings. It is anger and shame. Anger at the Russian aggressor who decided for a full-scale war. And shame for my German government and for the collective West, which let Ukraine alone in this fight for life and freedom.

Let nobody make a mistake. Russia fights now from Kharkiv to Kyiv and from Kherson to Sumy for nothing less than a total destruction of free Ukrainian state. It is not “Russian speaking minorities” which Russia wants to “protect” or “Nato membership of Ukraine” what Russia wants to hinder. It is free Ukrainian state – where a Jewish Russian-speaking actor can be freely elected as a president with 73% of support – what scares Vladimir Putin, and what he hates with all his KGB heart.

And let us say it clear: Ukrainian army is fighting now not only for Ukraine. Not only for own compatriots which will get to torture chambers as soon as Russia takes Ukrainian cities – like Russia did it in occupied Donetsk and Luhansk. Ukrainian army is fighting now for every single European. From Rzeszow to Munich. From Tallinn to Stockholm – nobody in Europe can be safe now, when Russia attacks with its cruise missiles Ukrainian cities on Romanian and Polish border, Russian Navy trains attacks on Bornholm, and Russian agents kill dissidents in Berlin.

Don’t be fooled by pseudo market economy character of Russia. The current regime is more aggressive than the former Soviet Union has been. It much more resembles the Nazi Germany, with all its chauvinism, the “superior nation” claim and the links between the military industry, secret services and the political leadership. Every Soviet person – and Vladimir Putin too – knew the famous song “on June 22nd, at 4am, (Nazis) bombed Kyiv, and we were informed that the war has started”. The fact that Vladimir Putin has deliberately chosen to start his was with a bombardment of Kyiv at 4am (and he clearly wanted to do it on 22nd), shows who is the historical leader he cosplays.

Ukrainian army fights bravely. Never before has Russian army suffered such losses as today in Ukraine. Russian air force has lost 6 warplanes. Russian army has lost dozens of tanks. But Russia still has overwhelming power. And Vladimir Putin does not care of losses of some hundreds or even thousands of soldiers, when it brings him what he dreams of: a total victory and a world domination. That is why the world may not stay aside.

Ukrainians need our support. Ukrainian army needs security in the air. Russian air force may start to control Ukrainian air space any moment – this will be the turning point in the war, with no chance for Ukrainians to stop aggressor without turning their ancient cities to Aleppo and Grozny.

Nato must intervene. A no-fly-zone over Ukraine must be proclaimed. Russian troops on the ground must be stopped. It is not about the sanctions only. Even the hardest sanctions do not work fast – especially against an authoritarian regime, which does not depend on popular support and has no democratic restraints. Therefore, only military intervention may help now. The costs of inaction will be much higher than the costs of action. The West tried to find a compromise with Putin after his attack on Georgia in 2008, after his annexation of Crimea and occupation of Donbas in 2014. Even after his build-up along Ukrainian border in 2021-22 the West was ready to talk, with Marcron, Scholz and others flying to Moscow. The history shows it very clear: any talk with Putin just grants him with more time and room for maneuver. We may not talk anymore. We must act.

Send troops to Ukraine. Fight for freedom, fight for freedom of Ukrainians and for our freedom.

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