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Note of the researchers of National Institute for Strategic Studies to the scientific community


Dear colleagues!

National Institute for Strategic Studies has been created 30 years ago. All these years we worked upon the formation and development of our independent country. We built the strategies and policies, directed to strengthening the peaceful life in the free, independent European Ukraine. To reach the European perspective. The balanced development of regions of Ukraine. Cohesion. Sustainable development. Digital governance. Green Deal.

The peace in Ukraine was crossed out in early morning of February, 24, when Russian Federation invaded our country, threatening everything we have, our women, children, our plans, future, life itself. Burns the million-populated city of Kharkiv. Subjected to permanent missile attacks the capital on Ukraine, Kyiv, city of many millions of people, of 1,5 thousand years of history, capital of the country, approved the Association Agreement with the European Union. Under attacks are Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Chernihiv, Sumy, Mariupol. Air threat alarms sound practically at all the territory of Ukraine. Hundreds of civilians, including children, perished. People rise to defend their state, freedom, dreams, dignity, right for being, right for Ukrainian identity. As in 2014 at the Maydan, they defend our European choice. But now Maydan – is all Ukraine. And all Ukraine is the frontline, protecting the European values from the amok enemy. We believe, Ukraine can sustain in this fight.

Just in the moment Ukraine appeals for the membership in the European Union by the fast track procedure. Can anybody be more European, but that, who pays for the European values with his own life?

The fight of Ukraine – is the fight for all civilized democratic and liberal world, for its values and stable development. It’s a time for consolidation and integration of al progressive forces of the world in the name of our common future. The time for consolidation and integration of not only politicians, diplomats, artists and civic leaders. It’s a time of integration of scientific community. We appeal to the colleagues from all the countries of the world, with whom our Institute had an honor to cooperate all these years, with whom we communicated at the scientific, public and political summits, with whom shared our analytical thoughts, polemized personally or in our works.

Ukraine now needs the support of the scientific community.

Stop the cooperation with Russian research institutions

Stop grant financing of Russian research institutions.

Cancel the fellowships, revoke the alumni status, abandon the ability to publish for Russian researchers, supporting the aggression. Spread the truth of what is going on in Ukraine now.

We appeal to Ukrainian and foreign colleagues to establish the communication and cooperation on operative grounding the decision-making in the conditions of war at the territory of a modern European country, with complicated economic, communicational, social infrastructure. What should be the roadmap to admit the country as EU member with fast-track procedure based on the appropriate political decision. How world community can provide the systemic non-military response to the aggressor country. How to reach the sustainability of economy in war. How to avoid the crises of informational, energetic, transport infrastructure. How to protect population and solve the humanitarian problems. How to optimize the self-organization and common actions of local communities.

These are the principally new challenges for all of us. Europe since 1945 has not seen the war of such scale. However we believe, that in the XXI century exists something much stronger, than cynical rough force. Our common force – is our intellect. Researchers of the National Institute for Strategic Studies Kyiv, Ukraine, March 2, 2022.

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